As of today:
Ok.. When I step into the NG Flash Portal, I am forced to blam left and right. I only blam what could be the result of what is basically crap. What I am usually seeing is definitely crap these days. I admire some rough ones, and try to save ones to boost morale in said authors who put a little elbow grease into their work. I commend effort, but only if the work is tasteful in the way it's made.
As of a while ago and somewhere between then and now:
I haven't formally introduced myself yet. I am thepianoman118 I am a music maker of sorts. I play many an instrument and am wanting to submit my rough stuff to NG audio. My main instrument is my voice, however I am working hard at guitar, and will soon be learning about the electronics in music.
I hope you enjoy my work!
P.S.: Don't submit an everyday flash, and or music work! Make something that will make people coming back for more.